01 May 2013

MUN (Model United Nations)

hi readers, now I am goint to share abot MUN and it's being my eagerness to be a delegates in MUN (Model United Nations). well, have you know about MUN it self? ok, watch it!
MUN (Model United Nations) is a academic simulation session of United Nations attended by participants (students delegate universities/schools all over the globe). The delegations are being as a diplomats of the United Nations member states. They negotiate and act according to the interests of the state they are representing to discuss the International Issues that ensued, then find the solutions to world problems. em, thats enoug for explanation of MUN. ok now move to how the assemby are going to be??
you delagates must understand the flow of the MUN. this is my brief elaboration:
the first that you have to do is get the placards provided by the committees. next session is a role call. the committee will call your country and thing you have to do is raise the placard up and say "PRESENT and VOTING". times go, now you are in general speaker list session. the committee will announce who will be the general speaker list, and the delegates should raise the placard up as fast as possible (lucky factor involved) then will be mentioned whose delegates are choosen. in this phase, you deliver the general idea according with the issue discussed.the next part is moderated caucus. emm, for you havent been choosen yet, this your turn to raise the placard faster. in this part, delegates will propose a motion then mention the time needed for each motion. then the committee will offer delegates whether the motion will be discussed or not based on the voting result. then if the motion is passed, here we go, we are going to discuss the motion. again whose delegates will be choosen is defined by how fast and luck you are. okay, fly to next session is unmoderated caucuse. this is the most enjoyable part for you to negotiate with other country to make a block (however, the block could be regoin based, interest based,ect) then arrange and chart the solutions you proposed to crush the problem away (hehe, kinda exaggerate :P). then each blocks will deliver the solutions and the final is decide which solution will be applied.oh,, almost forgotten, all of you delegates have personal previlage to express what do you want (ex : emm, could you turn the AC off/on? bcz I feel hot/cold hehe, up to you delegates)

hey, thats my brief explaining abaout MUN and the flow. hope it will be usefull for you who are preparing to be delegation of MUN. good luck and see you :)

26 February 2012

Pacaran dengan anak kost!

(cerita dibawah ini hanya fiktif belaka, kesamaan nasib bukan karena disengaja) :P
1.       Tempat makan

Yang paling sering dijumpai adalah, bagaimana anak kost ngajak makan sang pasangan. Buat cewek yang punya pacar cowok anak kost, jangan terlalu berharap bakal diajak makan ke restaurant buat candle light dinner dengan suasana yang romantis, and bla bla bla.. pasalnya buat makan sendiri aje ni ye masih ngitung-ngitung,  bahkan tak jarang makan kurang dari 3 kali dalam sehari (kasian amat ya) buat mentraktir si “doi” makan. So, berpuaslah diri walaupun hanya diajak makan di depot atau bahkan di traktir menu “penyetan”. Just look at his true love for you girls , dia rela ga makan 3 kali sehari demi situ neng!! Asek…
2.       Tempat nongkrong

Nah ini dia nih, masalah berikutnya buat cewek yang punya pacar cowok nge-kost. “Tempat nongkrong” pas pacaran. Ya,, maunya sih di Mall atau Café gitu lah.. But, apa daya dompet tak sampai! Hahaha,, tak jarang ane liat anak kost ngajak cewenya pacaran di pinggir sungai, danau (masih mending sih), atau ni ye yang lebih parah tuh pacaran di pinggir jalan. Gile lu,, ngapain coba..
3.       Pas pasangan Ultah

Kriiiiiinngggg, “besok Ultah si dia”. Itu bunyi reminder hempon guys!! Emm,, next problem comes to you gan!! When she has a birthday!! Tak jarang anak kost jadi sering liat “penanggalan” kapan si doi ULTAH. Emm,, jadi bisa ngira-ngira gitu ye sejak kapan nabungnya,,hahahaah!!! Secara kite-kite ini kan pengen ngasih yang terbaik buat pasangan kita gitu. Ya biar pun anak kost ga keliatan kere-kere amat lah. Masa Cuma ngado permen+bunga mawar?? (Paket hemat tuh gan! Haha) “mawar maafin marwan ya neng!!”
4.       Alat Transportasi

Eneng-eneng yang di sono,,, pacaran ma cowok ngekost itu kudu banyak sabar ye!! Ane ngerti eneng pengen naek si “Bapak Alphard” ato “Ibu Jazz” kan??!! Tapi ni ye,, namanya anak kost,, naek “Astrea” aja udah untung tuh,, kaga naek angkot kemana-mana. Jadi,, disukroni saja!! “Alhamdulilah”… :D

But overall it’s just for a joke, pacaran ma anak kost ga sebegitu menyeramkan kok. Buktinya banyak yang mau ma anak kost (terpaksa kali ye, Kidding!!). Dalam berpacaran kan dibutuin saling percaya dan mengasihi each other aja,, don’t look “cowok kost” just from the cover girls,, sape tau aje nih di kampung dia (anak kost) anak juragan tanah?? Hagagagaga!!! Thanks for reading mine, and wait for the next!!  :*  (hugs)

Gelar Untuk anak kost!

1.      Si Paket Hemat atau Si Modis (Modal Dikit Abiss) :P
Kayanya sebagian besar anak kost memiliki gelar yan satu ini ye,, “Si Paket Hemat”. Secara hidup tanpa orang tua gitu dan hanya mengandalkan kiriman tiap bulan, yang satu ini harus pinter me-manage (mengatur) pundi-pundi keuangannya. Jangan sampe deh, ga makan pas tanggal2 tua (amit-amit cabang monyet dah)!! So,, orang dengan gelar ini pastinya memiliki “note” buat nyatettin pengeluaran hari ini, pemasukan dari ortu, dan bla bla bla!! (jadi kayak bendahara gitu dehh). 

2.    Si Anak Mami or you can call Si Manja Jembatan Ambruk (MJA) :D
Wahhh,, yang satu ini nih dapat dipastikan memiliki “ATM Card” dari berbagai bank!! Secara nih pas uang mepet langsung calling mommy or dady buat transfer duitnya. Emmm,, namanya masi anak manja..jadi kurang bisa me-manage sistem keuangan. Jadi liat apa yang die mau langsung “cap cuss ciieeeennn”!! Hahaha… oiya,, si MJA ini kalo dapet masalah sekecil semut aje langsung deh report to his/her parents!! (rempong deh,Upss)

3.  Si Bantar Gebang
Paling males dah,, kalo anda punya tetangga kost yang bergelar ini. Oiya,, perlu anda tahu “Bantar gebang” disini adalah tempat pembuangan sampah gan,, so you can imagine how disgusting being his/her nextdoor!! Bukannya ape-ape ni ye,, aromanya itu loh,, menusuk sampe pankreass (lebay deh). Jadi sudah pasti, ciri-ciri orang dengan gelar ini adalah : urak-urakan, ngak beraturan, kamarnya kaya pesawat baru jatoh, dan tak lupa  dengan aroma khasnya! >.<

4.      Si Pak Ustadz
Emmm,, seneng deh punya tetangge kaya ni orang. Biasanye ni, tiap abis sholat Maghrib ente bakal denger lantunan aya suci Al-Quran yang dilantunkan. Suasana otak yang messed up abis dimarahin dosen, langsung adem ayem dan tentrem!! Alhamdulilah yah..sol sepatu deh! Oiya, biasanya ni orang bakal nyetel lagu2 rohani Islam gitu dan kalo ente masuk kamarnye tuh,, bakal betah deh. Soalnya,, kamarnya tuh ya rapi,bersih,dan wangi. Subhanallah :’)

5.      Si Mandiri (not kind of Bank’s name)
Jauh dari orang tua dan hidup sebatang kara di kota orang. “Gimana kalo ortu ente-ente pade lagi ga punya duit buat transfer ke kalian??” inilah yang jadi motivation untuk orang dengan gelar ini hidup tidak hanya sekedar nungguin transfer ortu di kampung. Biasanya nih orang bakal mati-matian buat nyari tambahan kucuran dana hidup, mulai dari ngellesi anak orang, ngajar ngaji, jadi SPG, atau apalah (asal ga korup atau jual diri aje ya!!) Naudzubillah… Biasanya rang dengan gelar ini mempunyai character yang dewasa, berpikiran luas dan jauh kedepan, sabar, dan setia! Weeewww…

# ten best friends in our life!

1. God
 He gives us a chence to live and joy this beautiful life. :’) I need Allah to get spiritual enlightenment and inner peace on my life journey! I ♥ Allah so much…

2.My Parents
Parents as the media of we are in the world. They give us a really wonderful life by dedicated all their time to care and raise us. Just a true love they give for us. Without them, we’re just nothing guys,, so let we love them with true love ever… :’)

3. Best Friend
 Guys,, you bring a really beautiful colours in my journey. Doing eveything crazy with ye is the best moment ever… I love all of you!! Dear Ugink, Bom, Mami Dhila, Randi, Dedek, Lek Nuvie, Aton, Bella, Nora, Rifka, Ferdhan, and many more… SC!! #big hugsss (’з’)(˘ε˘`)

Woooowww,, I cant imagine my life without this one. Just bored to death!! Just, to be honest, phone always be my side every where, everytime.. even when in the toilet!! Upss,, yeah I am doing everything with this thing, but when I am sleeping anyway.. :D

Internet,, without you just black and white in my journey!! Muaacchh.. kissful for you!!

When I am alone and nothing to do,, I am just interact with my virtual friends through this social network and having mention each other.. :P

Find more friends through this network, and chatting is my favorite act. When I am on FB…. Love it

Emm,, this one is a site that I klick the most. Browsing there with a million information waiting…
Weee,, this world’s going so dark without this, so hot, so “jadul” I mean like we are go back to 1000 years ago. 
This small thing must always be remembered to keep you online and make your phone useful!! Haggss >.<

sumber : twitter @motivatorsuper

25 February 2012

emmmm,, just write it down

Wajah rupawan yang terlukis dulu,kini pupus dimakan waktu.. Hanya tinggallah semburat garis kepiluan .. Senyum tak lagi nampak dari bibir tuanya.. Air mengintip jatuh dari kelopak yang nampak kelelahan itu,,
Pikirannya tak lagi menyatu dengan raga rentanya.. Melayang bebas menembus masa,, Sesekali muncul rasa sesal dalam benak dia. Hingga terlahir sumber air yang mengalir di antara matanya.. Tubuh rentanya tak lagi mampu menopang tubuh sintalnya.. Berjalan bungkuk menyusuri tanah gersang. Tak jarang kaki itu membuatnya tersungkur.. Oh sungguh malang nasibmu.. wanita renta yang hidup sebatang kara… Dimanakah cucu Adam yang kau keluarkan lewat rahim suci itu..

when you're in down phase

everythings gonna change to be strange for ye when it's not like you want!!

first, from your own life

actually, everyone want have a lot of friends and make good relationship with somebody else. okay, its going normal when you got it. you can share with them, doing something crazy, and many more.  friends mean so much to your life journey. it gave you own colours to life. But now if you are in the other hand, you just need a more time to make a relationship with somebody you are gonna feel like celine dion's song titled "all by my self". woooo.... it's really hard to you and your world, it just kind of anomaly or anything else or whatever you call.